The Heart of Teaching: A Matter of Perspective
This week my two Social Studies classes have been discussing the importance of perspective in the study of history. The first key in getting middle schoolers to understand perspective is for them to know what it means. I'm big believer in word parts, or stems. The first thing we do is break down the word perspective into its parts. There are two stems from the vocabulary program we use at our school in the word: per, meaning through, and spec , meaning look. So we know that the word perspective involves looking through something. And I like to think of perspective as a pair of metaphorical glasses. We wear many pairs of metaphorical glasses, which color our perception of the world. We go on to list the ways our metaphorical glasses are created: by our families, our age, our life experience, how many episodes of Spongebob Squarepants one has seen, proportion of time spent on Tumblr, and so on and so forth. This part of p...