Because I Wanted to Be a Teacher
I never wanted to go into the military. I'm a pacifist at heart. I don't like guns, or noise, or angry people. War is terrifying to me, and the idea that I would ever be on a front line (or a rear line, or anywhere in between) is laughable. I would break and run at the first sign of an enemy. I never wanted to be a police officer. I'm afraid of bad guys. I would most likely choose conversation and negotiation in any given situation, and I understand that sometimes it's necessary for police to make a different call. I'm not so great at making decisions under pressure. I procrastinate a little. I never wanted to be a judge. I don't like the idea of having to make decisions that will determine the outcome of the rest of a person's life, of trying to balance reality with constitutional law, of deciding how to make a punishment fit a crime. I never wanted to be a doctor. The power to hold life and death in your hands is just a bit too much for me. I am happ...