Slice of Life Day 25: Sitting at the table

I missed another day yesterday. That's all I got. I came to the beach, and instead of sequestering myself to write and comment, I chose to hang out with my family.  Today was a good day; Duke got beat. I will never have to hear Grayson Allen's name again, but I will miss posting memes to Facebook to make fun of him. Right now, I am listening to my son and my nephew giggle over silly things they are watching on Youtube while my husband and I smile at each other across the table. It's hard to put a price on that, but it's worth missing a writing day. I also drank several glasses of wine and ate some ice cream cake (which might explain the quality of this writing). In spite of myself, I wrote something. And that's better than nothing.


  1. Spending time with family is well-worth it, Christi. I did the same today. We did take a short jaunt up to the beach for a family shot but it was too cold to stay for a walk.

  2. You know, sometimes writing is not the most important thing. It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your family (and wine and ice cream cake) and that is definitely awesome!

  3. I probably would have missed a day, written out on letters to friends, but posted pictures of bluebonnets instead -- sent on a grey day in reply from a friend I had written. A fair exchange, sharing them -- with an image of candy fruit slices in the footer.

  4. Your posts are so powerful so when you miss a day to spend time with family, it is perfectly fine

    Who else writes such heartfelt and tender stories like you - Because I want to be a teacher, the story about heart palpating school shooting ....

    This is simply a challenge and your family is #1 priority.

    Best wishes.



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