SOL4: Thirty Things I Believe

Earlier this year, I had my Social Studies students listen to a This I Believe speech, Thirty Things I Believe, that was written by a kindergarten student. We were getting ready to study the Declaration of Independence, which I wanted them to view as a list of things Americans believe. In preparation, I had them to write their own lists of thirty beliefs and record themselves reading them on Flipgrid. It was a pretty cool way to get to know them better, and they discovered many things they had in common with people who seemed very different from them.

I didn't get a chance to write my list with them, so I thought I'd use the idea as a slice today.

Thirty Things I Believe

  1. I believe most people mean well.
  2. I believe people are born good and the world turns them bad.
  3. I believe it's better to be kind than right.
  4. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt.
  5. I believe there is more to unite us than to divide us.
  6. I believe no one reads the "usage and terms" before clicking agree.
  7. I believe there's no such thing as normal.
  8. I believe the only actions you can control are your own.
  9. I believe in choices.
  10. I believe in education.
  11. I believe grades, testing, and standardization are evil.
  12. I believe my students can, even when the system keeps telling them they can't.
  13. I believe school dress codes are sexist.
  14. I believe climate change is real.
  15. I believe religion and science don't need to be enemies.
  16. I believe white people need to learn to recognize racism without being threatened.
  17. I believe in justice, but our current system isn't just.
  18. I believe solitude makes you a better person.
  19. I believe if you say you "don't see color," you're admitting that some people are invisible to you.
  20. I believe in privilege.
  21. I believe in equality AND equity.
  22.  I believe reading is a magical process.
  23. I believe books make the world a better place.
  24. I believe in Mr. Rogers.
  25. I believe Christmas lights make every season better.
  26. I believe boredom is a good thing.
  27. I believe social media can be poisonously competitive.
  28. I believe in practicing until I get things right.
  29. I believe in free speech, but not consequence-free speech.
  30. I believe my Hogwarts letter got lost in the mail.


  1. I love this! Your list is fantastic. I found myself nodding "yes" one after another; here are a few that are resonating with me right now:

    ~I believe grades, testing, and standardization are evil.
    ~I believe my students can, even when the system keeps telling them they can't.
    ~I believe white people need to learn to recognize racism without being threatened.
    ~I believe reading is a magical process.

    And I just plain, old giggled at this one:

    I believe my Hogwarts letter got lost in the mail.

    Your words are now part of who I am. Thank you!

  2. #2 and the world can turn them back to good!

  3. There is some deep thinking in several of these. My favorite is #22 because I believe the same!

  4. Love the list, a lot of food for thought, a few I would disagree with, but it's great how everyone is different and entitled to an opinion! The more our kids get this, the better!

  5. I love your list, and I love this prompt. I am trying to work on teaching #19 in one of my classes right now. It can be hard for good-hearted people to see that this is not actually kind or helpful!


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