30 Days of Poetry: Days 3-4

I didn't get a chance to post my poem for yesterday. I was too busy watching the Tarheels win the NCAA Championship! Sorry, I digress.

So I am posting both of my poems for Days 3-4 now. Day 3's prompt was a string of words that had to be strung together to form a poem. I chose set #8: rise, stage, cries, thunder, stone, path, purple.

At the end of each day,
as the sun draws the purple curtains of night
across the stage of the sky,
I rise.
Bird cries fade into silence 
as my feet pound the thunder of my passing.
Breathe in, breathe out.
The path unspools before me and 
behind me,
my footsteps unremarked by
sleeping stones.
Day 4's prompt was haiku. I am so bad at writing haiku. It's not a form that I have ever found to be a good fit for my thought process. As such, my offering for today is just not very good, but at least I have one, and I rather like that it came out very open to interpretation.


Naked in the glass
I'm thinking: Botticelli
Never painted this.


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