Slice of Life Day 11: That Little Voice

Well, it happened. I missed a day. We left on Friday after school to go to the beach, and in the mad rush to leave I forgot my laptop. So I wrote Friday's slice on the road, typing on my phone (not exactly the most pleasant way to write a blog post). Saturday we were on the beach, swimming in the indoor pool, hanging out in the sun, having a delicious dinner, and watching the ACC Championship game (Go Tar Heels! Okay just kidding...) So I didn't write.

Today we were on the road. We made it home, fixed a quick dinner, and I sit down to write between Twitter chats (#projectLITchat and #TG2Chat make my Sundays). So here I am, and that little voice is starting.

You don't have time to write a post before it's time for TG2.

You missed yesterday anyway.

You don't have anything to say; what the heck are you going to write about?

Look at the rambling you've already done! No one wants to read this!  

And so on. And it's true, I don't have much to say tonight. Except that this weekend is a great gut check for my expectations. Sometimes real life gets in the way. I'm not sorry I didn't take the time to get away from my family and write yesterday. And I am telling that little voice to shut up. I may not have much to say tonight, but I am writing. I won't give in to self-doubt just because it's easy. And maybe tomorrow, I'll have something better to say. Even if I don't, I'll write anyway.


  1. Please don't beat yourself up because you missed a day. It sounds like you had a great weekend and sometimes that's more important than anything else. And today, you found time to write again and you plan to tomorrow.

    Plus, I'm really jealous of your time in the sun, swimming in the pool, and the rest of it. I'm hoping you'll share a little sunshine with us in a post

  2. Missing a day shoudn't stop your writing. It happens to many of us. Keep writing.


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