Slice of Life Day 3: Love Is...

For the month of March, I am participating in the Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life blogging challenge. This is my first year participating. I am so appreciative of this community and how awesome it is. 

On Monday afternoons, there are several of us that meet in a colleague's room for writing group. We write to a different prompt or idea each week, or we can work on something else we have been writing on our own. It has been a great help to me to stay on track with writing when I can't find the motivation to keep going on my own. This piece originated in writing group. We watched the video Matt de la Pena made for World Read-Aloud Day, of his picture book Love. Then we wrote in response to the video. This is what I wrote:

Love starts in the morning. A rumpled blue and white bedsheet. A sleepy, warm arm that reaches across the space between us and pulls me back in an embrace.

Love is the warm spot between our doors where Bucky sleeps, waiting for his family to emerge, and the floppy, soft top of his head butted against my leg as we walk to the kitchen down the dark hall.

Love is an alarm sounding the day's beginning, followed a few minutes later by a soft, "Morning, mom," as I sip my coffee... sometimes a hug if I'm lucky.

Love is the clatter of breakfast dishes, the smell of sausage frying, a seat at the table in the yellow glow of the dining room lights before the day starts.

Love is the time to say goodbye--in wishes for good days, hugs, and the empty table that will be full again this evening. Love is in the clock hands as the hours signal it's time to join the real world.


  1. !st off, I'm jealous you have a writing group in your school. I've had to branch out online to find mine. And secondly, this is beautiful.

    1. Thank you! It is awesome to have at least a few like-minded people to hang with in real life! You might try reaching out to your colleagues; some of the ones that ended up in writing group are not at all the ones I would have expected!

  2. This reminds me of a cartoon appearing in the newspaper many years ago. Always started with the phrase, "Love is ..." then a drawing of a girl or boy and a cute saying about something that shows you really love your mate. Very nice.

  3. This makes me feel happy and warm inside, thank you. I truly mean it. :-)

  4. I LOVE the book! What a treasure it is! I liked the way you used the book as a mentor text to write about your own meaning of love. Wow! You really captured some wonderful thoughts. Your own brand of 'Love". Very nicely done.

  5. Love is...this post. Such a beautiful tribute to your family. That’s what it’s all about! ❤️

  6. Love this post and this slice idea! I have not read this book yet, and I know I am missing out a deep experience. And I am so jealous of your writing group. I cannot even imagine having that support in real life! You are one lucky writer.

  7. I love this slice idea too! Definitely borrowing for later in the month. I'm going to have to show my students that video too and maybe get them to do some writing! Thank you.


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